Tuesday, October 4, 2011

October Events

Hey Everyone!

Our Calendar of Events has been updated and posted! If you have any events that you think should go on the calendar please let us know!


Monday, October 3, 2011

My Vision.

Hello out there. I'm sure you've probably noticed a lack of posts/involvement/general interest in SEMO Bloggers as of late. I want to share with you what my original goal and vision for SEMO Bloggers was, and what I'd like to see happen in the future.

First off, check out this website. Do a little browsing. Check out the past events. Scan through the blogger member's page.

Ok, so that's a pretty neat thing the city of Boston is doing, huh?

That really about sums up what I was hoping SEMO Bloggers could become. I wanted to create a group where bloggers young and old could mingle, share advice and learn from each other. I also wanted this group to be about amazing blog content and loving the art of writing.

I wanted bloggers to come together for support, encouragement and all around good times. We had a couple of really great meetings with both new and veteran bloggers, but unfortunately the past couple of months the interest has fizzled out.

That's where you come in. If you're at all interested in doing Blogger meet ups, happy hours, bbq's and more, please comment below. If you're willing to help me spread the word i.e. put up fliers, tell your friends to come, do a little advertising on your blog, please comment below.

The point is, I can't do SEMO Bloggers alone. I'm busy, I have my own blog, family, job etc. I would just love to participate in something big like what I believe SEMO Bloggers could be.

So what do you guys think, want to give Monday, November 7th another go?